
Fall 2018

● The Weekly Wednesday Wartik Genomics Lecture Series (WWWGLS) is held in 501 Wartik Lab (large commons area) on Wednesdays at 3 pm, unless noted otherwise.
● Coffee, tea, and snacks are usually served after the presentation.
● PSU faculty can nominate speakers via this form
● PSU affiliates can sign up to receive seminar announcements using
Date Presenter(s) Topic
August 22
4:00 pm
Nikolay V. Dokholyan
Penn State College of Medicine
Host: The Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Zoom URL
Multiscale Modeling and Design of Biological Molecules
August 29
4:00 pm
Debmalya Nandy and Lucilla Pizzo
Penn State University
Zoom URL
Debmalya: Covariate Information Number for Feature Screening in Ultrahigh-Dimensional Supervised Learning; Lucilla: 16p12.1 Deletion as a Model for the Complex Genetics of Neurodevelopmental Disease
September 5
4:00 pm
Bob Harris
Penn State University
Zoom URL
1) Noise Cancelling Repeat Finder 2) Sabutan
September 12
4:00 pm
Angelika Heissl
Johannes Kepler University
Host: The Center for Medical Genomics
Zoom URL
Poly-A Tracts and Their Influence on Human Meiotic Recombination
September 19
4:00 pm
Saurabh Sinha
University of Illinois
Host: The Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Zoom URL
Statistical and Biophysics-inspired Methods for Discovery of Gene Regulatory Mechanisms
September 26
4:00 pm
Xueyuan Jiang and Mehreen Mughal
Penn State University
Zoom URL
Xueyuan: Functional evolution of duplicate genes in animals and plants; Mehreen: Localizing and Classifying Adaptive Targets with Trend Filtered Regression
October 3
4:00 pm
Aaron Quinlan
University of Utah
Host: Santhosh Girirajan
Zoom URL
Constrained Coding Regions and Patterns of Germline Mutation Revealed by Large, Multi-Generational Human Pedigrees
October 10
4:00 pm
Arslan Zaidi
Penn State University
Host: The Center for Medical Genomics
Zoom URL
Investigating Mito-nuclear Interactions in Admixed Human Populations
October 17
4:00 pm
Suming Huang
Penn State College of Medicine
Host: Ross Hardison
Zoom URL
Chromatin Boundary and lncRNA Coordinate to Control HSC Function and Leukemogenesis
October 24
4:00 pm
Aakrosh Ratan
University of Virginia
Host: The Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Zoom URL
Driver Genes and Gene Sets in Cancer
October 31
4:00 pm
Bo Zhang and Jordan Hughey
Penn State University
Zoom URL
De Novo Assembly of Zebrafish Genome AND Identifying Target Genes for Regulatory Variants and Fine Mapping Causal Variants of Smoking and Drinking Addiction Related Traits
November 7
4:00 pm
Vaishali Katju
Texas A&M University
Host: The Center for Medical Genomics
Zoom URL
Spontaneous Mutation through the Lens of Experimental Evolution: Genomic Insights from a Simple Worm
November 14
4:00 pm
Molly Hall
Penn State University
Zoom URL
November 28
4:00 pm
Divyanshi Srivastava and Ana Kenney
Penn State University
Zoom URL
Divyanshi: Characterizing the Sequence and Chromatin Determinants of Transcription Factor Binding with Deep Neural Networks Ana: Harnessing Longitudinal Data to Derive a New Genetic Risk Score for Childhood Obesity
December 12
2:00 pm
Marta Tomaszkiewicz
Penn State University
Host: The Center for Medical Genomics
Zoom URL
Amplicomics of Male-specific Genes in 100 Men Across Major Y Chromosome Haplogroups